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Sunshine Whipped Soap

Regular price $11.00

The most perfect fluffy Whipped Body Wash in a team favorite scent.... Sunshine, it's like a trip to Florida in your shower. Great for shaving and super lathery with a poof or sponge.  3.2 oz. whipped soap  

Sunshine:  like Florida in a jar. Tropical, fruity, yummy! The verdant green of the tropics are here along with pineapples, bananas, and ripe coconut. There's a hint of cinnamon, rivers of rich vanilla, and notes of oak moss and musk all intertwined with a soft tropical ocean breeze.  Beachy coconut with a fruity cocktail! 

What is whipped soap? Well, kind of like shower gel, except it's whipped and fluffy and super moisturizing, with the addition of sweet almond oil. 

Contains sweet almond oil 

CAUTION: Do not ingest and keep away from eyes!

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